Posted by : Unknown
Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014
READ ALOUD so toddlers can :
- Continue to associate reading with warm, pleasant feelings while learning about words and language.
- Expand their listening skills.
- Build their vocabularies with words they understand and can use.
- Consider books as fun and valuable play materials.
- Make links between pictures and stories in books and things and events in their world.
- Remember and join in with repetitive rhymes and phrases.
- Begin creating pictures in their minds while listening to stories.
- Begin understanding a few print concepts, such as pictures and print are symbols for real things, and that we read words, not pictures.
- Have fun!
Choose books toddlers like
- Toddlers are learning to cope with feelings. Look for books with characters handling typical emotions and experiences.
- Toddlers feel competent when they can participate. Read books with rhymes and predictable words they can remember.
- Toddlers can pay attention—for a while—if they are interested. Read wordless picture books and storybooks with brief, simple plots and only a few words per page.
- Toddlers are curious. Read books about special interests and books about new people, places, and events.
- Toddlers are increasing their vocabularies and listening skills. Read books a few levels above their current vocabulary that introduce new words and ideas. Also look for books with lots of pictures of things to name.
- Toddlers are beginning to make sense of concepts such as size, color, shape, and time. Read simple picture-concept books that reinforce their learning.
- Toddlers are learning self-help skills. Read books about daily routines such as using the toilet, washing hands, and taking a bath.
- Toddlers are doers. Read books with flaps to lift and textures to feel.
Try these ideas
- Use the tips for babies that are also appropriate for toddlers.
- Read the same books again and again, if asked. A toddler will let you know when he or she has had enough of a book.
- Read slowly so the toddler can make sense of what’s happening in a story.
- Offer crayons and paper to occupy toddlers who find it easier to listen when they are busy.
- Vary your voice to fit the characters and plot.
- Use puppets and other props related to the story.
- Repeat interesting words and phrases.
- Stop often to comment, ask questions, and look closely at the illustrations.
- Encourage a toddler to join in: turn pages, name things in pictures, make sounds, repeat rhymes and phrases, and think about what might happen next.
- Talk about the pictures and point out details a toddler might miss.
- Talk about the book and how it relates to a toddler’s real-life experiences.