Posted by : Unknown Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

  1. Spend time with the children talking, telling stories and singing songs. These are fun and important activities that can help children get ready for reading. 
  2. Read to and with the children every day. This shows that daily reading and spending time together is important. 
  3. Let the children help choose the books you read together. This will help keep the children’s interest. 
  4. Find a comfortable place to read and sit together. This helps them create a special feeling at reading time. 
  5. Change your voice and the pace that you read to fit the story. This makes the story more interesting for the children. 
  6. After reading a book, talk about the story. Discussing the pictures and the main ideas in a book helps develop understanding. 
  7. Let the children see you reading books, newspapers, and magazines. This sets an example for the children that you enjoy and value reading. 
  8. Take the children to the library regularly. Libraries are a wonderful place to find books and so much more.

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